Poolife™ Algaecide 90 Algaecide: Pool Maintenance Algaecide

About Poolife™ Algaecide 90 Algaecide: Pool Maintenance Algaecide

One treatment of this patented, long lasting pool maintenance algaecide formula kills green, black and mustard algae and prevents growth for up to three months!

– This pool maintenance algaecide creates long-lasting protection against green, black and mustard algae with single-use treatment
– Prevents new algae growth for up to 90 days after treatment so pool water care stays easy
– Kills algae in one fell swoop, so you can get back to swimming in just 15 minutes
– Easy-to-use pool maintenance algaecide, so you can spend less time maintaining pool water and more time living your best pool life
– Works with bromine, chlorine, salt chlorine, ozone and mineral systems

Active ingredient: 2.09% Copper

Features of the Poolife™ Algaecide 90 Algaecide: Pool Maintenance Algaecide Gazebo

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